Bhogavati : The
capital of the Serpent King in the nether world. Braahmana
: The first of the four castes devoting their lives to study and teaching and the
Performance of religious ceremonies.
Brahma : The Creator, one of the Trinity
Brahmaastra : The most powerful among Astras. See
Brahmachaari : One who is in the first of the four stages
in a Brahmin's life, the stage of study and practice of a disciplined life.
Brahmadanda : Holy staff of an austere Brahmin.
Brahmajnaana : The realisation of the Supreme Being, higher
Brahmarishi : The highest type of sages.
Brihaspati : The preceptor of the Devas, the planet
Chaitra : The month falling in the second half of April and
the first half of May.
Chandaala : Outcaste, untouchable. |