The next day, Rama and Lakshmana, after their morning prayers, went to
Viswaamitra and asked for further orders.
The purpose of Rama's birth was not unknown
to Sage Viswaamitra. And he knew too the powers of the weapons he had given to Rama. Still
the actual fact when experienced is something more than expectation. Sage Viswaamitra was
happy beyond Words, and his face glowed like a flame. He then thought of the service that
he still had to do for Rama. This was the prince's marriage with Seeta.
The rishis assembled there said to Rama:
"We intend proceeding to the kingdom of Videha where, in the capital city of Mithila,
Janaka, the illustrious philosopher king, intends to perform a great sacrifice.
"All of us are going there and it will
be good if you and the prince, your brother, accompany us. It is meet and proper that the
Prince of Ayodhya should see the marvellous bow in the court of Janaka."
So it was decided, and Rama and Lakshmana
went with Viswaamitra to Janaka's city. |