At dawn the next day, Viswaamitra called Rama. to his side and blessing him said:
"I am very happy indeed. What is it that I can do in return for all that you have
done? I shall teach you the use of all the astras."
So saying, Viswaamitra gave Ramachandra the
divine astras which he had obtained through his tapas. Viswaamitra taught Rama the use,
control and recall of the various divine weapons and Rama in his turn imparted the
knowledge to Lakshmana.
As they continued the journey, Rama pointed
to a big hill with a lovely forest on its slopes and asked: "Is that the place
whereto we have to go? And who are the evil ones who hinder your yaaga? And what should I
do to destroy them?"
Ramachandra was eager to fight and win the
blessings of the sage. |