They were the guests of the rishis that night, and the following morning, after
performing the usual rites, the sage and his pupils set out on their journey and
reached the Ganga. They crossed the river on a raft got ready for them by the
In midstream, the princes heard a noise
and asked Viswaamitra what' it could be. He explained to them that it was the sound of the
Sarayu flowing into the Gangs. The princes paid silent homage to the confluence of the two
holy rivers.
A river or a hill, a tree or a cloud-indeed
any object of beauty may raise one to contemplation of the Supreme Being and silent
worship of Him. In particular, sacred rivers, temples or images, which have for
generations been the objects of devotion and worship, possess this power in a special
degree, in virtue of the sacred thoughts they have witnessed and absorbed as gar ments
retain perfumes. |