Then Raavana sent forth a big army. He commanded it to go out and slay at once
all the Vaanaras. They beat their drums and blew their trumpets till the sky resounded.
They fell upon the Vaanaras. The Vaanaras used boulders and trees and their own nails and
fists to oppose the Raakshasas. Thousands fell dead on either side. The field was covered
with blood and mangled bodies.
Besides this gruesome engagement, there
were many duels between individual warriors. Angada encountered Indrajit like Rudra
against Yama. There was a duel between the Raakshasa Prajangha and Sampaati, one of the
companions of Vibheeshana. Hanumaan fought a duel with Jambumaali, Neela with Nikumbha,
Lakshmana with Viroopaaksha, and so on.
The chariot and horses of Indrajit were
destroyed and Angada received a blow from the mace of Indrajit. Jambumaali hit Hanumaan
with his weapon and Hanumaan smashed his chariot to pieces. The Raakshasas concentrated
their attack on Raama, and fell in thousands under his arrows. |