Vidyunmaali aimed his darts at Sushena. The latter smashed with a rock the
chariot of the Raakshasa. Vidyunmaali jumped out with his mace and attacked Sushena who
crushed him to death with a rock. In this way many warriors fought and many died.
The battle raged throughout the day. And at
night the Raakshasas would not stop fighting. The battle became fierce. Blood flowed in
streams. There was terrible slaughter on both sides. Angada attacked Indrajit, slew his
horses and charioteer and smashed the chariot. The Vaanaras admired the skill and strength
of their prince and raised shouts of joy.
All the warriors in the army praised the
Vaanara prince's prowess. Indrajit lost his temper along with his chariot and resorted to
sorcery. Making himself invisible he aimed many darts at Raama and Lakshmana who were
greatly harassed at this attack from a foe whose whereabouts no one could discover and who
seemed to shower deadly missiles from all sides. |