Your remarks are therefore irrelevant. You should do what I want you to do
and that is not much. Transform yourself into a strange and beautiful stag and appear
before Seeta and attract her attention. Seeta will send Raama to pursue and capture you.
You should draw Raama away to a distance and simulate Raama's voice and cry 'Ah, Seeta,
Ah, Lakshmana!' Hearing this Seeta will conclude that Raama is in danger and she
will force Lakshmana to go to his help.
When thus she is alone, I shall carry her
off to Lanka. Once you have rendered me this help, you will be at liberty to do what you
like. But if you will not help me now, understand, your life shall be forfeit."
Maareecha thought within himself. "Me frenzied Raavana who is already under the
shadow of doom will not listen to advice. Sinful desire is driving him to Yama. It is
better for me to be killed by Raama than by Raavana. At least then I would yield my life
to a foe." |