At once Maareecha transformed himself into a wonderful deer. Every part of the
animal had its own different hue and exquisite beauty. Like a rainbow in the sky, it
charmed the eye of the be holder. Gold, silver, diamonds, gems and flowers seemed to
appear in succession on its beautiful skin. It was like a living stream of jewels flowing
on a beautiful golden body.
With such surpassing beauty the magic deer
wandered here and there, now resting for a while and now pursuing its graceful gambols. It
would sometimes bend and nibble the grass on the ground, again lift its head up to eat the
tender leaves of plants;
Sometimes walk slowly near the aashrama and again jump away
and disappear and re-appear at a distance. Sometimes it would join a herd of deer; then it
would part from it and walk alone. The other deer would smell him and move away in sudden
terror. |