'I am old and unarmed and you are young, fully armed and seated in a chariot. Yet
I cannot look on, while you carry off Seeta. Why do you do this cowardly act behind
Raama's back? If you have any grievance against him, meet him face to face. O, you would
fly away from me, would you? You shall not escape while I am alive! I care not for your
chariot or your ten heads, or your glittering arms! Your beads shall roll on the ground
that you have polluted with your presence. Get down from your car, and fight if you are
not a coward as well as a thief!"
Raavana flared up in a rage. He attacked
Jataayu. It was like a clash between a mighty wind and a massive rain-cloud. The battle
raged in the sky above the forest. Jataayu fought like a winged mountain. |