Have you been set on by Bharata? Have you all become my lord's enemies? Have you
all joined together in a wicked conspiracy? I, who have lived with Raama, shall I ever
look at you or another? When Raama dies, I die with him. Know this for certain."
Seeta burst into a rage which completely
overwhelmed Lakshmana. Her cruel words pierced and burnt into him like poisoned arrows.
His hairs stood on end. He clasped his hands in worship and said: "O Mother! O
Goddess! How can such words issue from your mouth? Like red-hot iron they burn my ears.
Cruel and unjust are these thoughts of yours. With all the gods for wit ness, I swear,
your suspicion is wrong. I see now that after all you are a woman like other women quick
to think evil of others. I fear a great tragedy is about to befall you. Otherwise you
could not have thought and spoken evil of me."
And innocent Lakshmana trembled in fear of
some dire calamity that was to come over them. |