But Seeta said: "Look here, here is plenty of dry fuel. I shall light a fire
and fall into it. Or I shall drown myself in the Godavari. Or I shall hang myself dead,
unless you run immediately to the help of Raama. Now, once again, I ask, will you not go?
Or shall I perish?"
She beat her breast and cried. Lakshmana
could bear this no longer. He raised his hands in solemn worship and said:
"Very well, sister. I shall obey you
and disobey my brother. I shall leave you alone. May you be safe and well! May the gods of
the forest protect you! I shall do your bidding. I see bad omens. I fear greatly. I wonder
if I shall ever see you with Raama again. Yet I shall go!"
And he went, unwillingly and looking back
every now and then. |