To her thus
sorrowing Sumitra said: "Sister, you have heard the Shaastras and know dharma. Why
should you grieve like this? It is your office to put courage in others, you should not
lose heart yourself. Raama has gone to the forest for guarding the King's honour. You are
indeed blessed among women, for you are the mother of a hero who has scorned a kingdom and
preferred to uphold his father's honour. Why should you grieve for a son-who fulfils a
difficult duty to perfection? We should not feel sorry for one who walks in the path of
his ancestors and wins undying fame. I am proud that
Lakshmana has accompanied Raama. Jaanaki, though knowing well the hardships she has to
face, has also gone with her husband. Raama's glory will shine like an undying lamp. This
is no occasion for grief. His purity, his virtue shall be a shield and armour to them. |