"He, is so great and holy that the sun rays falling on him will not burn him
and the wind that blows will caress him with its coolness. His pure frame, as he sleeps at
night, will be embraced and protected by the moon-beams as an infant is by its loving
mother. Shed all anxiety over your heroic son. No foe can en counter him and escape with
life. Our Raama is endowed with all auspicious qualities. Your hero-son will surely
return to Ayodhya and ascend the throne. The Lord of the world, and no other, is Raama.
"Seeta is with him, and Seeta is no
other than the Goddess Lakshmi. Raama will return and ascending the throne will fill with
delight the kingdom which now laments his exile. You saw the grief of the citizens as they
watched his departure. My heroic son, the devoted Lakshmana, armed with bow and sword, has
gone with him to guard his person. No harm, no danger can approach Raama. You will see
with your own eyes Raama returning after fulfilment of his vow. |