With my head bowed at your feet, I beg of you. Have you not said many a time,
'Two dear sons I have. And of them Raama, the elder, is dearer to me'? In deciding to
crown Raama, what have I done but carry out in action your unspoken wish? Why then do you
demand these cruel boons? No, no, it cannot be really that you mean this. You are only
testing me to find out if I indeed love your son Bharata. Do not, through a great sin,
destroy our famous line of Kings."
Even then Kaikeyi spoke no word, but her
eyes blazed scornful anger.
The King continued: "Till this day you
have done nothing to cause me sorrow, never spoken an unworthy word. Who has corrupted you
now? I cannot believe that this evil thought is your own. |