Do not expect kings to keep their word.' Do you not know that Saib a, to redeem
the pledge he gave to a bird, cut the very flesh off his bones and gave it away? Have you
not heard of Alarka who plucked his eyes out to keep his word? The sea stays within its
limits and does not overflow the land, because it feels bound by its agreement. Do not
violate your solemn pledge. Follow the path of your royal ancestors. O, I fear that you,
their unworthy descendant, will forsake dharma; you will crown Raama and you will dally
with Kausalya.
What do you care what happens to dharma?
What do you care what happens to satya? If you deny me the gifts you promised on oath, I
shall this very night drink poison and end my life. You may anoint and install Raama, but
before your eyes, O, promise breaker, I shall be dead. This is certain. And I swear it in
the name of Bharata. It will be well and good if you fulfil your promise and banish Raama
to the forest. Else, I shall end my life." |