How often have you told me, my dear, that, noble as Bharata is, Raama is nobler
still? Is it the same Raama that you now want to be sent to the forest? How can he dwell
in the forest? How can you even entertain the thought of his going away into the,
Nilderness infested by ferocious beasts? How lovingly has Raama treated you and served
you! How can you forget all this and steel) heart and utter the words, 'Send him to the
forest'? What fault has he committed? Of the hundreds of women in the palace, has anyone
ever uttered a word against his honour or virtue? The whole world loves him for his great
and good qualities.
How did you alone among so many find cause
to dislike him? Is not Raama like Indra himself? Is not his face radiant with good ness
and spiritual light like a rishi's? The whole world praises his truthfulness and
friendliness, his learning and wisdom, his heroism and humility. |