Dhaivatham becomes Pa, Kakali
Nishadam becomes Chatusruthi Dhaivatham, Sa becomes Kaisika Nishadam. Consulting the melakarta
tables, we see that the new swaras correspond to the 22nd melakarta Kharaharapriya (Veda - Bhu). Thus,
moving the sruthi to the swara Ri of Sankaraabharanam results in Kharaharapriya. It should be
remembered that the absolute pitch of the swaras continue to be the same; it is only because of the
shifting of the origin of the scale (the Sa) that a different
raga is
produced. Evidently, one can carry out the process for janya ragas also.
Consider a notation system for the swara and swara sthanas as
follows. Let us represent the swara sthanas by a string of 12 digits,
each one corresponding to the twelve swara sthanas into which an octave is divided. The presence of
a swara sthana is denoted by a one in the corresponding digit and the
absence by a zero. Thus, in the above example of Sankaraabharanam, the
representation would be [101011010101]. The first 1 corresponds to Sa; the next swara
sthana corresponds to Suddha Rishabam which does not occur in Sankaraabharanam and thus the
corresponding digit is 0. The third digit is for Chatusruthi Rishabam
and Suddha Gandharam. Since Chatusruthi Rishabam occurs in our example,
the third digit is set to 1.