| |##| |##| | |##| |##| |##| | |##| | |##| |##| | |##| |##| |##| |
|##| | |##| |##| | |##| |##| |##| | |##| | |##| |Ga| | |Ma| |Da|
|Ni| | |##| | |__| |__| | |__| |__| |__| | |__| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Sa | Ri | | | Pa | | | Sa |
|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____| Figure
22: Swaras in Raga
Shanmugapriya from the tables) Sa -
Chatusruthi Rishabam - Sadharana Gandharam - Prati Madhyamam - Pa -
Suddha Dhaivatham - Kaisika Nishadam - Sa. Note that in figuring out
the chakra, we need to add one to the quotient to obtain the chakra
number. We can use the melakarta table to directly find that
Shanmugapriya is Disi-Sri and end up with the same swaras. The
following keyboard diagram illustrates the location of the swaras in
Shanmugapriya for one kattai sruthi.
It is worthwhile to observe here that the
Pa, Sri, Go, Bhu, Ma, Sha designation is also based on the
Katapayaathi formula (with Sri treated as ra). The formal
organization of the melakartas provides some insights into the
similarities between certain ragas. Ragas in the same chakra share
their purvangam and thus, sound similar in that portion. This
explains, for example, the similarity between
Kharaharapriya and Kiravaani. Ragas whose melakarta numbers differ
by a multiple of six (meaning they have the same Pa-..-Sha
designation) have the same uttarangam and this too causes
similarity, as in the case of Lataangi and Kaamavardhani. One can find
many pairs of melakarta ragas that differ by a single swaram, as in
the case of Lataangi and Kaamavardhani (which drier only in Ri).
Locating such pairs is often very instructive. A good musician makes
it a point not to dwell on chains of swaras that are shared by
various ragas, but often introduces contrasting swaras that are
designed to let the listener identify the similarities and the differences
simultaneously. This aspect can be used as a test of how good a
musician really is. In a recent concert, a popular musician was
performing a composition in the raga Chaarukesi. Chaarukesi can be
seen to have the same Table. Letter Values in Katapayaathi Formula