Shahaji was
always away from home, fighting wars.So it was Jijabai who brought her son up. She
taught him at home. She read to him stories of Rama, Arjuna, Krishna and other heroes of
the epics.
Shivaji married Saibai while he was very young.
Shivaji had a great ambition to set up his own kingdom.
Shivaji's teacher Dadaji taught him the art of war.
Before he was eighteen years old, Shivaji became a fearless and accomplished soldier.
He collected many followers. He captured many hill forts belonging to the Sultan of
Bijapur and the Mughal Emperor.
The Bijapur Sultan became scared by the conquests of Shivaji. So he thought of a plan
to kill Shivaii or capture him alive. He entrusted this job to Afzal Khan, one of his
brave generals.