Shivaji was a
pious man. He loved and honoured his guru, Samarth Ramdas.Once Guru Ramdas fell ill. He
said to Shivaji, "Will you bring some tiger's milk? It will cure my illness."
Without a moment's hesitation, Shivaji went to the forest. He saw some tiger cubs. He
took one of the cubs in his hand and waited for its mother.
The tigress saw Shivaji with her young one in his hand. She became furious and at once
sprang on him, and scratched him all over. But Shivaji was without fear. He restrained the
tigress, and then appealed to her, "O tiger! I do not want to take away your cubs. I
only want a little milk from you for my Guru Ramdas who is ill."
At once the tigress became quiet. She allowed him to milk her. After collecting the
milk, Shivaji took it to his Guru. The Guru
drank part of it, and was cured. He gave the rest to Shivaji, and when he drank it, all
scratches disappeared.
Guru Ramdas taught Shivaji to greet all human beings with the salutation "Ram
Ram". This is how in Maharashtra they greet one another to this day. You will read
more about Shivaji's greatness in books of history.