Outline of Sanatana Dharma
1. Knowledge (Veda-Vidya)
Higher Knowledge (Paravidya)
- Knowledge of the Self (Atma Vidya)
- Knowledge
of the Absolute (Brahma Vidya)
- Knowledge
of God or the Creator (Ishvara-Vidya)
Knowledge (Aparavidya)
or World Knowledge (Prakriti Vidya)
- The
Gross World - Physical Sciences (Sthula Vidya)
- The
Subtle World - Occult Sciences (Sukshma Vidya)
- The
Causal World - Causal Sciences (Karana Vidya)
Practice (Yoga)
Higher Knowledge (Paravidya)
- Four Yogas
- Jnana - Knowledge
- Bhakti - Devotion
- Karma - Service
- Kriya - Yoga Techniques
- Fourfold Kriya Yoga
- Raja Yoga - Yoga of meditation
- Mantra Yoga - Yoga of mantra
- Laya Yoga - Yoga of the sound current
- Hatha Yoga - Yoga of posture and
Lower Knowledge (Apara Vidya), which
should be placed in service of the higher
- Ritual and Temple Worship (Vedic and
History and Mythology (Itihasa-Purana)
- Astrology, Astronomy, and Meteorology
Mathematics and Physical Sciences (Ganita)
Medicine and Psychology (Ayurveda)
Language and Grammar (Sanskrit)
Literature, Poetry and Drama (Kavya)
- Music and Dance (Gandharva Veda)
Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting (Sthapatya Veda)
Social Sciences (Varnashrama Dharma)
Law, Politics, Diplomacy (Niti Vidya, Dharma Shastras)
Ethics and Morality (Vinaya).