Truth, after all,
is that which is eternal and unchanging. It remains the same for
all times and all people. Truth is not a fad or opinion of the
moment, but the very law and ground of existence. Truth is not
something that exists at one place only but can be found
everywhere, if one knows how to look. Truth is the universal
presence in which all creation exists. Such an Eternal Truth
must maintain an ongoing presence in society for civilization to
have any real meaning.
The quest for
Universal Truth, and a tradition to sustain it, is not merely a
spiritual quest, it is the essence of all human culture. In any
field of knowledge we are seeking universal truth - an
unfoldment of universal laws, which like gravity, are common to
all human beings regardless of their background. Science
formulates itself as an understanding of universal physical
laws. Art portrays the creative forces of the universe.
All religions
base themselves upon something universal. After all, religion
addresses God or the Spiritual Reality behind the workings of
the universe, which is not limited by time or space. The attempt
to connect human beings with the Eternal is the very essence of
true religion. Yet religions as they have been institutionalized
generally remain bound to a particular savior, holy book, or
church, which removes them from universality into partiality.
They have functioned in the world not so much to create
universality but to breed division, the conflict between the
believers and the non-believers.