Religion has
generally turned into dogma, authority, or vested interest in
which discovery of Truth has been set aside for mere belief as a
representative of Truth. Such a materialization of the spiritual
into particular time-space coordinates is the very denial of its
transcendent reality. But such a limited view of truth is easier
for the human mind to appreciate, dominated as it is by ego or
self-sense which is extremely hard to overcome.
For this reason
individuals seeking the higher Truth have always looked beyond
organized religion to various mystical and spiritual paths,
which formulate themselves with a greater universal sense than
institutionalized creeds. Formulations
of an eternal tradition or perennial wisdom most commonly come
from two areas. The first is the perennial philosophy of various
philosophers. The second is an eternal, often secret, wisdom
tradition of humanity.
A perennial
philosophy has been looked to as the core of truth behind the
thoughts of all great thinkers, who obviously share much in
common in their understanding of life. Yet however profound and
noble such a philosophical endeavor may be, the Universal Truth
is not mere philosophy. It is not a special broad mindedness to
be found among various intellectuals. It is not a matter of mere
ideas but encompasses the whole of life and consciousness. It is
more a matter of feeling or intuition than discursive