Today there is a new
worldwide seeking for a universal form of spirituality above and
beyond the limitations of organized religion. To meet the challenge
of the global culture dawning today we must create a universal
spiritual tradition that can encompass all the diversity of human
culture both religious and secular. Yet the idea of a universal
tradition is not new. It is the very foundation of one of the
world's great religions, the most diverse and oldest, the religion
known as Hinduism, whose original name is Sanatana Dharma or
"the eternal tradition of Truth."
To renew such a
universal tradition it is important that we look to its already
existent formulations which, though distorted by time, still contain
a solid foundation and enduring structure on which to build. It is
not surprising therefore that the idea of the unity of all Truth has
most been promoted in modern times primarily by Hindus like
Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, and Gandhi, as this view is part of the
Hindu heritage.
Having personally
experienced the universal basis of Hinduism and having tried to
present various facets of it in books on various aspects of Vedic
knowledge, I felt it necessary to write a book expressing this
discovery. My search for a universal tradition and comprehensive
spiritual science led me to various Hindu-based teachings, which
culminated in an encounter with the universal view, Sanatana Dharma,
behind these teachings. As few people today, including the great
majority of Hindus, understand the background of this complex
religion and culture, I have tried to present the universal view
behind it, that others might share in my discovery.