Hindu Response to the Pope's Call for Evangelization
These events also inspired me to make a statement
on the Pope's call for the evangelization (conversion) of Asia,
which I have included below.
The Age of Evangelization is over! It
is now the age of science and spirituality and exclusivist religions
of all types, which reflect a medieval mentality, should be
discarded as out of date. Evangelization is an effort to impose one
religion upon humanity and to eliminate other beliefs as invalid or
The idea that only one religion
is true is on par with narrow views that only one race or one
culture is true. Religious exclusivism belongs to the era of racism
and colonialism and reflects a similar bigotry and prejudice.
Asian peoples, oppressed by
years of racism, colonialism and missionary activity are now
awakening to the value of their own cultures and religions. They now
know that there is much more genuine spirituality in their own
traditions than in those of the West, which is why many westerners
come to India for spiritual guidance.