greater issue is caused by the increasing Christian evangelization
activities in India. Look throughout the country, particularly in
the South and you will find them expanding almost everywhere.
Why have they replaced Muslims as the hate objects for Hindus? Is it
true that the VHP's campaign is driven because Sonia Gandhi is a
I don't think that Hindus hate Christians. They
are not targeting Christians for conversion or calling them devil
worshippers as the Southern Baptists, the largest Protestant sect in
America to which both Bill Clinton and Al Gore belong, are calling
Hindus. Rather Hindus are challenging Christian prejudices against
Hindus that cause mistrust and hatred of Hindus by Christians. You
will find a picture of Christ in many Hindu homes, but you won't
find any picture of Krishna in any Christian homes.
Nor do Hindus hate Muslims. It is the general
Muslim view that Hindus are idolaters, polytheists and kafirs and
doomed in the eyes of Allah. Hindus have no such doctrines about
Islam. Hindu dislike of Christianity and Islam is largely a backlash
against the centuries long efforts to convert them which are still
going on.
I don't think the VHP campaign would stop if Sonia
Gandhi left politics either. That Sonia Gandhi is a Christian may be
a matter of concern for Hindus because of the Christian seeking to
convert Hindus. Clearly most Christians in America would not be
happy if a Hindu became the head of a major American political
party, particularly if Hindus were active trying to convert
Christians in America.