Myth Of Aryan Invasion Of India |
By David Frawley |
Cattle-herders only expand their
territory gradually, and are not hard for existent populations to resist.
Nor were the Harappans without their own cattle. They had a long
tradition of cattle-rearing and could hardly be overwhelmed by an outside entrance of new
cattle-breeders, particularly of a more primitive nature.
The Aryan migration explanation is even weaker than the invasion
theory. If such a migration was small and did not have any great
impact on existing populations or leave any archeological record, as
is the case, it could not have changed the region on the level of
language either, which to reiterate is the hardest and slowest part of
culture to change. If the culture and population of a region did not
change, it is ridiculous to think that the language changed
independently of these.
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Migration Rather Than Invasion |