Myth Of Aryan Invasion Of India |
By David Frawley |
How could the Vedic people
translate the entire pre-Vedic culture into their own massive and etymologically consistent corpus of
literature and ritual when they themselves are said to have been
illiterate, while the group whose culture they assumed in total could
not preserve any literary record of their own!
For such scholars even the Vedas themselves are the invention of
pre-Vedic people! While this radical fringe may not be taken seriously
by other proponents of the invasion, such thinkers do have their point.
Almost everything thought to be Harappan can be found in the Vedas. If there was an Aryan
invasion it would have had to have taken over the existent culture in its
entirety to account for this. Yet a more logical conclusion is there was no invasion and Vedic and
Harappan culture were never really different.
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