The Myth Of Aryan Invasion Of India
Major Sections
Books By David Frawley
Putting these points together we now see that the Vedas show the same development of culture, agriculture and arts and crafts as Harappan and pre-Harappan culture. Vedic culture is located in the same region as the Harappan, north India centered on the Sarasvati river. The abandonment of the invasion theory solves the literary riddle. 

Putting together Vedic literature, the largest of the ancient world, with the Harappan civilization, the largest of the ancient world, a picture emerges of ancient India as the largest civilization of the ancient world with the largest and best preserved literature, a far more logical view, and one that shows India as a consistent center from which civilization has spread over the last five thousand years.

Therefore it is necessary to set aside the discredited idea of the Aryan invasion and rewrite the textbooks in light of the new model, which is an organic and indigenous development of civilization in India from 6500 BC with no break in continuity or evidence of significant intrusive populations such as the invasion theory requires.(*2)


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About The Aryan Invasion Theory
Introduction Pg1
Introduction Pg2
Introduction Pg3
Introduction Pg4
Introduction Pg5
Introduction Pg6
Introduction Pg7
Four Main Points-Pg1
Four Main Points-Pg2
Four Main Points-Pg3
Four Main Points-Pg4
Four Main Points-Pg5
Four Main Points-Pg6 
Four Main Points-Pg7