Ancient India now appears not as a
broken civilization deriving its impetus from outside invaders but as the most
continuous and consistent indigenous development of civilization in the ancient world,
whose literary record, the ancient Vedas, remains with us today.
Based on such new evidence an entire group of scholars has arisen from both India and the West who
reject the Aryan invasion theory on various grounds considering the evidence of archeology, skeletal
remains, geography, mathematics, astronomy, linguistics and so on.
Such individuals include S.R. Rao, Navaratna
Rajaram, Subhash Kak, James Schaffer, Mark Kenoyer, S.P. Gupta, Bhagwan
Singh, B.G. Siddharth, K.D. Sethna, K.D. Abhyankar, P.V. Pathak, Srikant
Talageri, S. Kalyanaraman, B.B. Chakravorty, Georg Feuerstein, and myself, to name a
few.(*3) Their views generally support those of earlier Indian scholars and yogis,
like Sri Aurobindo or B.G. Tilak, who proposed a Vedic nature for the civilization of India
going back to early ancient times.