From The River Of Heaven
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Books By David Frawley

Atharva Veda  


This is part of the second hymn to Skambha, the Divine Pillar or truth of Oneness, from the tenth book of the Atharva Veda. Some of these verses were used in the Upanishads or became the basis for Upanishadic teachings.  

You are the woman and you are the man. You are the boy and you are the girl. You are the old man who totters on his staff. You are born with your face to every side. 

And you are their father and you are their son. You are the eldest and the youngest. The One God has entered into the mind. Born at first he wakes within the child. 

From the infinite, the infinite arises. The infinite through the infinite is poured. And may we know that today from which the infinite overflows. 

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About Appendix : Selections From Vedic Teachings
Rig Veda
Shukla Yajur Veda.Pg1 
Shukla Yajur Veda.Pg2 
Shukla Yajur Veda.Pg3 
Shukla Yajur Veda.Pg4 
Atharva Veda.Pg1
Atharva Veda.Pg2
Atharva Veda.Pg3
Isha Upanishad.Pg1
Isha Upanishad.Pg2
Isha Upanishad.Pg3