The Supreme Lord said: Undoubtedly, O Arjuna, the
mind is restless and difficult to restrain, but it is subdued by Abhyaasa (or constant vigorous spiritual practice with
perseverance), and Vairaagya (or detachment), O Arjuna. (6.35)
In My opinion, yoga is di3cult for the one whose mind
is not subdued. However, yoga is attainable by the person of subdued mind by striving through proper means.
Arjuna said: For the faithful but of unsubdued mind,
who deviates from (the path of) meditation and fails to attain yogic
perfection what is the destination of such a person, O Krishna? (6.37)
Do they not perish like a dispersing cloud, O Krishna,
having lost both (yoga and Bhoga, the heavenly and
worldly pleasures), supportless and bewildered on the path of Self-realization? (6.38)