Hold the waist, spine, chest, neck, and head erect,
motionless and steady, fix the eyes and the mind steadily between the eye brows, and do not look around. (See
also 4.29, 5.27 and 8.10) (6.13)
A simple meditation technique is given here: (1) Fix
your gaze and the mind inside the chest center, the seat of the causal heart, and breath normally. Imagine a
crimson lotus with a cool radiant point-source of light in the center of the lotus. Quietly watch the breath
coming in and going out of this lotus. Do not try to control your breathing.
(2) Mentally chant your mantra, or
\So" as you inhale and \Hum" as you exhale. Meditate calmly on the e3ulgent lotus, just witness and watch
the thought waves of the mind, and feel the peace and serenity. With serene and fearless mind; practicing celibacy; having the mind under control and thinking of Me; let the
yogi sit and have Me as the supreme goal. (6.14)