Bhagwad Gita : Lesson
Major Sections
Other metaphors used for the body are: a vehicle, an abode, and a cage for Atma, the spirit soul. All beings, O Arjuna, have a formless or subtle body before birth, and after death. They have a physical body only in between the birth and the death. What is there to grieve about? (2.28)

Just do your duty to the best of your abilities and without getting discouraged by the thoughts of outcome or the outcome itself which may be success or failure, gain or loss, victory or defeat. By doing your duty with this attitude, you will not incur any sin or Karmic bondage. (2.38)

To a God-realized person Vedas, the books of knowledge, are as useless as a reservoir of water when there is flood water available everywhere. A scripture is no longer needed after one has already realized God. A scripture is only an aid in God-realization. (2.46)

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