Bhagwad Gita : Lesson
Major Sections
One develops a liking for harmful sensual pleasures by thinking about sense  enjoyments. The desire for sense pleasures comes from thinking about sense pleasures. Anger comes when desire is not fulfilled, and greed (for more pleasures) comes after desire is fulfilled. (2.62)

The un-controlled mind steals away the intellect as the storm takes away a boat on the sea from its destination. Therefore, a spiritual aspirant must control the mind and senses and never let the senses or the mind control you. (Material desires keep one away from Jnaana that leads to nirvana, the destination) (2.67)

One attains peace in whose mind  desires enter without creating any disturbance as river waters enter the ocean without creating a disturbance in the ocean. Themetaphor of ocean has been  used for the mind of a yogi. The one who desires material pleasures is never peaceful, because, desires do not end with fulfillment, it increases. (2.70)

Chapter Summary: This Chapter gives knowledge of the Self or Atma-Jnaana, the metaphysics; them arks of a Self-Realized (SR) yogi, and the necessity and advantages of controlling the six senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, and the mind)

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