try to be a Karma-yogi. Working without greed for the fruits of work
is called Karma-yoga, Seva, Nishkaama Karma-yoga or the selfless
service. (The mark of a genius lies in the ability to handle pair of
opposites such as working with detached attachment) (2.50)
A person whose mind is not disturbed by
sorrow, who does not long for pleasures; and who is free from greed,
attachment, fear, and anger; such a person is called a yogi or sage
of steady mind. (2.56)
Karma-yogis are not attached to anything.
They are neither delighted by getting desired results nor upset by
undesired results, because, their mind is always calm and steady.
One should learn to focus or fix one's
mind on God only after bringing the mind and senses under control.
One's intellect becomes sharp whose mind and senses are under
control. (2.61)