wrong notions about and objections against these sacrificial rites
can be summarized briefly as follows:
1.The oblations offered into the sacrificial fire will not have any
effect on the forces of nature even as the striking of an electric
pole will not result in the falling of coconuts from their trees in
the garden.
2.Since animals are sacrificed in these
Yajnas, violence to life is involved. Could it not be that these
Yajnas have been invented to satisfy the gross desire to eat meat?
3.Is it not the height of foolishness to
offer milk, curds, ghee or cloth to the sacrificial fire and thus
destroy them? Would it not be better to offer them to the poor and
the needy?
An attempt may now be made to meet these objections thus:
1.Though the oblations are offered in the sacrificial fire, it is
God, the Supreme Ruler of the universe, that receives them. Since He
is omniscient and omnipotent, fulfilling the desires and aspirations
of those performing the Yajnas is in no way difficult for Him. After
all, is not nature subservient to Him?