deities also should be considered in the same light , as different
aspects of the Supreme God, manifesting themselves for specific
purposes. The powers of these deities which are
inseparable from them even as the power of fire to burn cannot be
separated from it have been conceived of as their consorts and
called Sarasvati, Parvati (or Sakti) and Lakshmi.
This does not amount to saying that all
these deities are imaginary creations. All of them, without
exception, are different modes and aspects of Paramatman, the
Supreme Self or God, even as all dolls made of sugar are sugar
itself. Since it is difficult for common people like us to worship
God as He is, the ancient Rishis have given
these forms and their names after receiving them from God Himself
through Tapas or austerities.
Hence, the realization that one gets
through meditation on these is identical with God experience.
Now a word about the incongruities found in some of the Puranas.
Since they have evolved over several centuries, it is difficult to
separate the earlier original from the later accretions. It is
reasonable to surmise that quite a few of the latter might have been
interpolations introduced during the periods of conflicts among the
various cults and sects, to establish the superiority of one over
the other. Hence the incongruities deserve to be ignored.