In the Greek accounts, Sandrokottas
of Palibothra is described as a contemporary of Alexander of
Macedonia who invaded India during 327 BC to 323 BC This decides the
approximate date of Chandragupta Maurya. Princep's research decides
the approximate date of Asoka, the grandson of Chandragupta Maurya
as in 3rd century BC Both these dates were adjusted with the reign
periods of the three successive Magadha kings, Chandragupta,
Bindusara and Asoka of the Maurya dynasty given in the Puranas.
Thus, the date c. 320 BC was fixed as the date of coronation of
Chandragupta Maurya. Max Mueller, in 1859 AD, finalized this
identity of Sandrokottas with Chandragupta Maurya and declared c.
320 BC, the date of coronation of Chandragupta Maurya as the Sheet
Anchor of Indian history. M. Troyer did not agree with this
conclusion and noted this fact in the introduction to his
translation of Rajatarangani of Kalhana. He even communicated his
views to Prof. Max Mueller in a letter but did not receive a reply
from him.