Major Sections
Bharateeya Historiography
Conjectures after the Harappa Excavations:

Whatever might be the merits and demerits of this Aryan invasion theory, it was accepted by a large number of scholars by the end of the 19th century. Next came the excavations at Mohenjodaro and Harappa (1922 AD). The well developed urban civilization was dated as belonging to some period between 3000 BC to 2500 BC. Because of the proximity of the Indus river, it was named Indus or Sindhu civilization. The date of this civilization went prior to that of Aryan invasion date i.e., 1500 BC and hence it was regarded to be different from the Aryan civilization. Thus, the presently taught chronology of ancient Indian history began from Indus civilization 2500 BC Then came the Aryan invasion in 1500 BC, the Vedas in 1200 BC, the Nirvana of the Buddha in 433 BC and the coronation of Chandragupta Maurya in c. 320 BC These are the main props on which the present ancient Indian chronology stands.

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Conjectures After The Harappa Excavations