The Root of Our
Problems-Neglect Of Self
It is essential that we think about
our national identity. Without this identity there is no meaning. Of
independence, nor can independence become the instrument of progress
and happiness. As long as we are unaware of out national identity,
we cannot recognize develop all our potentialities. Under alien rule
this identity is suppressed. That is why nations wish to remain
independent so that they can progress according to their natural
bent and can experience happiness in their endeavor. Nature is
powerful. An attempt to go against nature or to disregard her leads
to troubles. The natural instincts cannot be disregarded but it is
possible to elevate this nature to the level of culture. Psychology
informs us how by suppression of various natural instincts different
mental disorders ensue. Such a person remains restless and dejected.
His abilities slowly deteriorate and become perverted. The Nation
too like the individual becomes a prey to numerous ills when its
natural instincts are disregarded. The basic cause of the problems
facing Bharat is the neglect of its national identity.