Birth Of
Democracy In Europe
A revolutionary concept which made a
deep impact on the political life of Europe is Democracy. In the
beginning, every nation had a king as its head but there was gradual
awakening in the minds of people against the autocracy of the
royalty. The industrial revolution and the international trade
resulted in the rise of a business community in all nations.
Naturally there ensued a conflict between these new centers of power
and the established kings and feudal lords. This conflict, adopted
'democracy' as its philosophical basis. The origin of democracy was
sought in the Greek city republics. The common man was attracted by
the lofty ideals of equality, fraternity and liberty of every
citizen. France witnessed a bloody revolution. In England too, there
were periodic movements. The idea of democracy gained foothold in
the mind of common man. The royalty was either liquidated or their
powers were drastically' curbed and constitutional governments were
established. Today democracy has been already accepted in Europe.
Even those who have suppressed democracy do not denounce it. The
dictators like Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin too paid lipservice to