On the other
side, Arjuna was well trained. He spent years practising and sharpening his skills. He
spent one year doing tapasya to please Shiva to gain more powers. Krishna himself was his sarathi (charoteer). Hanuman was on his
pataka (flag pole of the charriot). Arjuna with all his excellent training goes numb in
the beginning of the Mahabharata.
He with does not want to fight. He is ready but not quite
ready. He starts talking the language of Karma Sanyas.
Krishna interjects. Arjuna has achieved every thing
possible by his sakam karma. He has gone through rigorous training.
He has done his Tapasya for power, he has got the support
of devtas . Now what is left. Krishna now gives him the ultimate sutra of Nishkam karma.
To excel he not only needs the readiness by training and
the divine hand but also a full one hundred percent and more of his fighting skills.
This is only possible if Arjuna can take his mind off the
possible results. |