Dharma also
means the ultimate truth. When mind disappears,when the ego disappears, then what remains
is the ultimate truth. Something certainly remains
but it cannot be called something or anything, Buddha calls it nothing.
Nothing is easy to misunderstand and therefore it is better
expressed as no- thing, it is not a thing. The ultimate law is not a thing.
It is not an object that you can observe or perceive. It is
your interiority, it is subjectivity.
This is another meaning of Dharma, the interiority, the
subjectivity, the truth. Truth is subjectivity.
The difference between fact and the truth is that fact is
an objective thing where as truth is subjective.
In medicine the students are taught the difference between
symptoms and signs. Symptoms are what patients report, he has a pain, he describes the
Pain is subjective and there are big dile- mmas as how to
assess pain andcompare it from one patient to another.
Signs are objective. Patient is tender at one spot on
touching, the area is swollen. |