On the other
hand Dharma is again a word used universally in the past and has composite meaning. Gita
starts with the shloka:
Dharmakchetre kurukchetre
And one of the boldest statement of Krishna in Gita says:
Yada yada hi dharmasya glanirbhavati bharata
Abhiyunarth madartheyam sambhavami yuge yuge (4..7)
Whenever there is decline of Dharma, and the rise of
Dharama, and the rise of A dharma, I embody myself for the upholding of the Dharma.
We had wars for the upholding of Dharma. Dharma was placed
on a higher pedestel compared to human life.
Life happens again, but what is its use if the Dharma is
not upheld. It is a very interesting logic and the people who talk about so called basic
human rights may not like it. |