Major Sections

Manusmriti: The Laws of Manu

71. A Brahmana who has fallen off  from his duty (becomes) an Ulkamukha Preta, who feeds on what has been vomited; and a Kshatriya, a Kataputana (Preta), who eats impure substances and corpses.

72. A Vaisya who has fallen off from his duty becomes a Maitrakshagyotika Preta, who feeds on pus; and a Sudra, a Kailasaka (Preta, who feeds on moths).

73. In proportion as sensual men indulge in sensual pleasures, in that same proportion their taste for them grows.

74. By repeating their sinful acts those men of small under-standing sfier pain here (below) in various births;

75. (The torture of) being tossed about in dreadful hells, Tamisra and the rest, (that of) the Forest with sword-leaved trees and the like, and (that of) being bound and mangled;


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61 - 65
66 - 70
71 - 75
76 - 80
81 - 85
86 - 90
91 - 95
96 - 100
101 - 105
106 - 110
111 - 115
116 - 120
121 - 126