Among those six (kinds of) actions (enumerated) above, the
performance of) the acts taught in the Veda must ever be held to be
most efficacious for ensuring happiness in this world and the next.
For in the performance of the acts prescribed by the Veda all those
(others) are fully comprised, (each) in its turn in the several
rules for the rites.
The acts prescribed by the Veda are of two kinds, such as procure an
increase of happiness and cause a continuation (of mundane
existence, pravritta), and such as ensure supreme bliss and cause a
cessation (of mundane existence, nivritta).
Acts which secure (the fulfillment of) wishes in this world or in the
next are called pravritta (such as cause a continuation of mundane
existence); but acts performed without any desire (for a re-ward),
preceded by (the acquisition) of (true) knowledge, are declared to
be nivritta (such as cause the cessation of mundane existence).
He who sedulously performs acts leading to future births (pravritta)
becomes equal to the gods; but he who is intent on the performance
of those causing the cessation (of existence, nivritta) in-deed,
passes beyond (the reach of) the five elements.