The Sikhara of this
imposing Hayagriva temple has a pyramidal plane face, which continues right upto an apex
point.In its horizontal aspect, the temple, in addition to the garbhagriha and the
anteroom just described, has a large vestibulemeasuring 40 feet by 20 feet built of brick
and resting on massive brick pillars. This is a new addition to the original structure,
per haps constructed by Naranarayan, the Koc king in 1550 A.D.35 The upper walls of the exterior of the temple contain life-size sculptured
figures. Here are re presented the ten avataras with Buddha as the ninth. The rest of the
figures are of a non-descript character, but they are mostly male, and nearly all figures
carry a trident (Trisula). According to the Lamas, these figures were originally inside
the temple, but were ejected by the Buddha.36
The temple derives its revenue from the land endowed on it by
the kings. Artisans and. others are supported out of the temple funds. The chief
priest of the temple is called Dalai. He is elected from among the local priests and holds
office till his death. He resides in a large house situated at the foot of the hill, just
below the temple. The temples of the Kamrup, district could be conveniently seen by
camping at Gauhati which has all the tourist facilities.
35. Ibid., p. 20.
36. J.A.R.S., Vol. 111, No. 2, pp. 42-43. |