Its modem votaries
have, to conceal mutilation, given it a pair of silver goggle- eyes, and a hooked, gilt or
silvered nose, and the form is concealed from view by cloths and chaplets of flowers: but
remove these and there is no doubt of the image having been intended for the "ruler
of all, the propitious, the asylum of clemency, the all-wise,the lotus-eyed,
thecomprehensive Buddha. "31 But some hold the view that at least from the
sixteenth century, the temple has been considered to be one dedicated to Hayagriva
Madhava"32 The principle of general layout of
the temple and its adjuncts is quite in keeping with other temples met elsewhere in
Kamarupa. The temple, as mentioned before, is built on a small hillock and a flight of
stone steps composed of slab leads to the main precincts of the temple.
The temple is built in stone, octagonal in plan, about thirty
feet in diameter and crowned with a pyramidal roof. It appears "from the
disarrangement of many of the mouldings and cornices, and awkward position of several
bas-reliefs, that the upper portion of the temple has been reconstructed From the old
materials, without much precision of arrangement. "33
32. J . A.R.S., Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 92-93.
33. Col. Dalton, op. Cit., P. 19. |