Bolpur is 99 miles from Howrah by road and 24 miles by
train from Khana junction of the Eastern Railway. Bolpur was noted from before as a big
trade center. It is in the midst of an area, which has a big, traditional past. Supur, the
neighboring village of Bolpur has a temple of Surath- eshwar Siva, which is said to have
been regularly worshipped by the legendary Surath Raja.
There is a legend that Surath Raja had offered the
sacrifice of one lakh of animals to Chandika Devi and that is why the place came to be
known as Balipur laterchanged into Bolpur. Only four miles to the north east of Bolpur at
a village Shain there is a cold water spring known as Muni Kunda.
According to local legend this was the Ashram of
Risvasringa Rishi. On Uttarayan Sankranti a large mela is held at this place. The local
legend, however, mentions that Lomapada, the king of Anga induced Risvasringa's father
Vivandaka who left this place and set up a new Ashram at Vandirban. Vandirban is supposed
to be a part of Birsinghapur in Birbhum district.
The image of Lord Siva that Vivandaka Rishi worshipped and
obtained Siddhi (Salvation) is now known as Siddhinath or Vandeshwar, which is
Birsinghapur. This is one of the Anadi lingams. Ramayan mentions Vivandaka Rishi.
Author - P.C.Roy Choudhury